New E-Belt


The concept idea of the wearable game controller comes from a belt designed in the Tang dynasty. It was designed to help people hold several tools on their bodies and was mostly made of gold and jade. However, people also wore it for decoration. Based on its original design, the material can be conductive gold, and the tools we hold can be our hands. The game controller belt makes an electrical version of the Tang dynasty belt and holds our switch functions. It could be developed to have more functions by adding more copper decoration and connecting to the circuit.

Here are pictures of how the Tang dynasty belt looks.

The game controller belt is easy to wear, use as a switch, and functional as a regular belt.

The game controller belt is designed based on digital switches. It uses copper, conductive thread, and wires to connect the circuit. Non-conductive fabric, tape, and sewing thread to make sure it will work stable. When the falling belt touches the copper part on the belt, it will send a low signal to the board. Each copper means a different switch. Signals are sent to different inputs by touching different copper to control the up, down, left, and right functions.




  1. Belt with size adjustment
  2. Copper decoration with switch function
  3. Copper on the falling belt
  4. Circuit connection


  1. Strength black tape
  2. Copper foil tape
  3. Self adhesive hook and loop tape
  4. Wire-Solid
  5. Conductive thread
  6. Needles, thread
  7. Black non-conductive fabric



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Chinese ancient belts have had a rich and varied history for thousands of years. These belts performed functional and decorative purposes and were often essential to traditional Chinese clothing. There are some styles of ancient Chinese belts.
Such as Sidai, made of silk, were generally long and could be tied in various complicated knots. Metal belts are often made of gold and silver and worn mainly by Chinese royalty and nobility to symbolize their social status and wealth.

Furthermore, embroidered belts were decorated with colorful needlework, often featuring bright symbols and patterns. They were popular among women and were used to accessorize traditional clothing.

Each type of belt had its unique cultural and artistic value, and the design and materials used varied based on factors such as the wearer’s social status, gender, and the time period in Chinese history.

Modern wearable belt designs combine style and technology to offer users a range of features and functionalities. These belts fit comfortably around the waist, and some belts include sensors to observe various health metrics. These sensors can track body temperature, activity levels, and more.

Bind. Co is a belt designed to help users better exercise. It could sense exercise level and breathing frequency to adjust the pressure on the belt and correct posture to avoid workout injuries to protect the user’s lumbar backbone. With the embedded sensors, the belt tightens during exercise and loosens during breaks between activities. Waist support belts are a treasure for weightlifters and even everyday fitness lovers.

Kulax is a belt that can protect the waist and warm the abdomen. The design is more fitting and often better than a hot water bottle. A larger heating area can provide a larger coverage area for the waist or abdomen, giving a comfortable experience.

The concept of creating a game controller belt achieves a switch function based on the belt history and new belt product learning. The Tang dynasty belt as a reference, the new E-belt has a similar outlook and maintains the Tang dynasty belt function to hold tools for users. However, the function of the new E-belt is to have a switch in the user’s hands. Touching different copper decorations will send the digital signal to the board as input and be used as the switch function. The new E-belt makes the game more fun to play, and if copper is set on appropriate acupuncture points, it could help the user relax the abdomen. The material copper has a similar look to gold. The new E-belt also tries to have an artistic value to be a greet to the Tang dynasty aesthetic.

The next step for the new E-belt is to make it fit more comfortably and more functional. The size adjustment could be more flexible. Now, the belt only has three sizes to fit the user’s body, limited to the material. Using different buckles could give a more considerable adjustment length. Moreover, if the circuit uses analog input, the user can press acupuncture points with different weights and possibly play more games and better relax the user’s abdomen. Also not limited to switch functions, the belt could contain other sensors like temperature sensors to create more functions for health care.


Explore the belt in ancient Chinese clothing, its material and structure, and its inspiration for modern times_Decoration_Culture_Art, May 3, 2023.

How to get what you want. Accessed October 16, 2023.

Kulax graphene smart belt to protect your family’s health, November 4, 2021.

“Waist-Supporting Smart Belts.”, June 7, 2021.



