Pedi Pad


For this project, I created a game controller that can be used with your feet. On a slipper, there are 4 digital switches. One on the tip of the slipper, outer right side, heel, and inner left side. Each corresponds to a different arrow key; the tip is the up arrow key, the right is the right arrow key, the heel is the down arrow key, and the left is the left arrow key. You can activate the switches by moving your foot in weird positions for them to press down on something. Once activated, the game can be controlled by your foot. My concept was inspired by how most controllers consist of only using your hands. Even when your legs and feet are introduced, their uses are very minimal and can even be completely ignored while still having the same experience. Thus I wanted to create something that was solely based on feet. 

Final Project


Video link

My end product ended up falling apart before taking a proper video but here is a video that I took while testing that shows that it works.

Parts and Materials List

  • CPX
  • Conductive thread
  • Glue
  • Fabric
  • Conductive fabric
  • Felt
  • Foam slippers

Circuit Diagram


Process Photos

Testing out my circuit

Created switches but with old sponges

Circuit markings on slipper

Everything put together

Slipper after I took it apart to redo

Next steps

If I were to ever come back to this project, I would do a lot more testing before putting the final product together. My main issue was that the sponges I originally used before the felt were for some reason conductive. This made the switches go off continuously and I wasted a lot of time messing with the code as I thought that was the problem. Not only that but I thought something was wrong with the connections and how I made them. So I took off all the connections before realizing it. This added more unnecessary time to the project as I had to connect everything back together.



