The Super-Reach

Project Description

The Super-Reach wearable game controller allows players to reach into the space around them in superhero-like movements to trigger the arrow keys when playing web-based games. This entails extending the arms in the plane parallel to the floor, and facing the palms in the direction of movement from the reference of the player. These kinds of movements are seen by conventional superheroes such as spider-man/woman and super-man/woman, as well as by newer superheroes as shown in the images below.

The Super-Reach is worn like a sweater to track the movements of the arms. The controller consists of 2 analog pressure sensors (one for each arm), and 4 digital switches (one for each direction). The digital switches are placed on the shoulders (left and right arrows) and the underarm areas (up and down arrows), so that the extension of an arm in an appointed direction closes the switch and sends a signal to the Adafruit FLORA microcontroller. To allow the player to control exactly when to send the key press or to send multiple presses, the analog pressure sensors were placed at the wrist so that the action of bending the wrist also closes the circuit. This allows for the players to get into position with their arm extended without sending a key press, which can be helpful in sending quicker and more precise inputs.

  • 1 Adafruit FLORA Microcontroller
  • 2 Analog Pressure Sensors (rectangular, 4 x 7 cm)
  • 4 Digital Switches (two moon shaped, two 1 x 4 cm strips)
  • 1 Sweater
  • 2 Shoulder Pads
  • Micro-USB to USB cable
  • Conductive Thread
  • Regular Cotton Thread
  • Velostat (four 4 x 7 cm rectangles)
  • Conductive Fabric (two 3 x 6 cm rectangles, two 1 x 4 cm strips, two moon shapes)
  • Neoprene (four 4 x 7 cm rectangles)
  • Hot Glue

The code used for this wearable can be accessed through this link:


The following diagrams illustrate the mechanisms and electronics embedded in the Super-Reach. The first diagram displays the arrangement of the conductive elements within the sweater and how they were placed to allow for the closing of circuits. As a reminder, the pressure sensor at the wrist must be bent to allow for any circuit to be completed, and the current then flows through whichever digital switch that is activated by raising the arms.

The second diagram shows the full electronic circuit. As shown, there are two power outputs used, that are connected to the analog pressure sensors, which then diverge to two of the four digital switches for the directions.

The following two images show how the motions close the circuits for different directions. In the image on the left, it can be seen how extending the arm forward allows for the moon-shaped conductive fabric pieces to be connected. In the image on the right, it can be seen how extending the arm to the side pushes the shoulder pads to lay on the strip of conductive fabric on the arm such that the conductive fabric inside the shoulder pad can make contact.

Design choices

The placement of the conductive fabric pieces can be viewed below. The moon shapes were used for the purposes of aesthetics and effectiveness. These shapes can appear as body contours, as often found in superhero outfits, and it provides a large surface area for contact to be made. The shoulder pads were used for their rigidity and also for aesthetics, as it provides a semblance of wearing armour, which is very characteristic of conventional superheroes.

The microcontroller was placed at the center of the chest, with the conductive thread branching out in many directions to symbolize power coming from the core. This type of design can be seen in superheroes such as Iron Man.

With more time, some next steps could be to use thin strips of conductive fabric for the circuit instead of conductive thread so that there is less risk of the thread breaking when putting on or taking off the garment. It would also be useful to conduct usability testing with different wearers so that the placement and shapes of the digital switches can be altered to accommodate more types of bodies and abilities.


Superhero movies tend to be popular with a wide set of audiences due to their tendency of letting the audience members feel empowered as a secondary observer, and since it explores different adventures and abilities through speculative fiction. Admirers of this genre are often found reenacting their favourite superheroes through costumes, cosplay, and using gadgets to give them a semblance of that power. Consequently, new wearable technologies can be found that are inspired by the idea of superhuman abilities in the context of entertainment, but also within the scope of medical and military industries as well. The following text will explore the development of three technologies that are related to Super-Reach.

Similar motivations can be found in the design of exoskeletons, which are a form of robotic wearable technology that provide the user with superhuman strength and endurance. Exoskeletons employ the principles of cognitive human-robot interaction (cHRI) and physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) to recognize the user’s movements and to send a signal to the mechanisms in the suits [1]. These exoskeletons are designed through a collective effort from biomechanics specialists, data scientists, software engineers, user experience designers and more [1]. One example of a soft-shelled exoskeleton is the Seismic powered suit which is a prototype that was created to augment strength and stability for workers with laborious jobs [1]. An image of this suit is shown below. This is related to the Super-Reach in that they both focus on using super-human movements of the body. However, they differ in the fact that the Seismic suit provides physical support in achieving superhuman abilities, whereas the Super Reach is used to give the user the sense of having superhuman abilities through a figurative and imaginary sense. This can raise the question of whether future wearables can be created to allow for both a physical and emotional superhuman experience.

The forearm pieces created by Disney Playmation are another type of wearable technology related to Super-Reach that also provide more of an imaginary sense of super-human ability. Their wearable forearm pieces allow for gameplay, using accelerometers and shake feedback to allow for immersive play and reaction from the piece [2]. This wearable can be seen in the image below. It can be used with reactive figurines to enact a superhero fight, where the wearable provides sound and vibration feedback, and keeps track of a points system [2]. This is similar to the Super-Reach in that it involves game play and immerses the user into a semblance of a superhero fight. They both require the player to depict common superhero poses to trigger reactions from the technology. This example is interesting because in contrast to the Super-Reach, the game is fully embedded within the wearable technology. This type of wearable is interesting to study since they can allow for a fuller and more involved gameplay experience, but they can be rather expensive and can only be used for one type of game.

Another design prototype that involves the emotional experience of enacting a superhero is the area of wearable therapy garments for kids. These garments are being designed to support children who experience anxiety and depression disorders through compression, pressure and weight therapy to increase wellbeing [3]. As the stress levels increase, muscles tend to tighten, and the user can use a smartphone or sensors in the wearable to initiate soft vibrations and massage to provide relief and calm [3]. The prototype is also designed such that the technology is covered in youthful, and superhero-like prints to empower the young users. This is related to the Super-Reach in that they both use a superhero aesthetic on the wearable to grant the user with the emotional experience of being a superhero.

From these examples, it can be seen that there are many types of emerging wearable technologies that also make use of the superhero genre to provide new experiences and abilities to users that they may desire or may benefit from in daily life. These prototypes also raise questions of how these various features can be embedded in the same wearable to provide a fuller experience, and what that interplay may look like.

[1] “Worker safety,” Seismic Powered Clothing, 

[2] M. Young, “Disney Playmation Lets Children Immerse Themselves as Favorite Heros,” Superhero Wearable Technology, 

[3] K. Vitullo and M. Benitez, “A Wearable Therapy and Technology Garment for Kids,” Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Sep. 2019. doi:10.1145/3341163.3346933 



