Night Seer

Team: Jessica, Aishwarya and Abha

Project Description:

The Night Seer is a cutting-edge and stylish night headlamp meant for trekkers, or anyone who enjoys long-distance walks, that combines functionality and fashion. The Night Seer stands out with its unique conical-shaped mirrors, each housing white LEDs. This design not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also maximizes light intensity, ensuring a brilliant glow with lesser LEDs. By concentrating and reflecting light, the Night Seer delivers visibility that outshines traditional headlamps that typically house only one large light source.

Concept sketches and inspirations:

Parts List:

Night Seer is equipped with a solar panel on the back. Harnessing the power of the sun, the solar panel charges the rechargeable battery during the day. When the sun sets, the solar panel detects the darkness to activate the LEDs, and the user can turn the headband around for a reliable source of illumination. A switch is also provided to allow for the LEDs to be turned off, if the user no longer requires the light. The circuit is embedded within a soft, sweat-absorbing fabric to ensure optimal comfort.

  • 1 Solar LED Garden Light
    • 1 1.2V Solar Panel
    • 1 Transistor
    • 1 Solar Circuit Board
    • 1 Switch
    • 1 Battery Holder
    • 1 AAA NiMH Rechargeable Battery (400 mAh 1.2V)
    • 1 160Ω Resistor
  • 18 White LEDs

Materials List

  • Conductive Fabric
  • Conductive Thread & Regular Thread
  • 1 Fleece Headband
  • Felt
  • Electric Tape
  • Mirror Material (laser cut)
  • Super Glue & Epoxy

Circuit diagram:

The following diagram displays the integration of the electronics within the headband. The top portion of the diagram shows the connections of the LED strips, switch, transistor, rechargeable battery, and solar panel to the solar circuit board. All of these electronics, aside from the switch, were stacked upon each other, and placed on one end of the headband, as shown in the bottom portion of the diagram. The positive and negative ports for the light were connected to two strips of conductive fabric, to allow for the LEDs to be placed along the length of the headband. The legs of the LEDs were secured down by looping conductive thread around them, and by pressing them down with electric tape.

Contextualizing the Night Seer: A Fusion of Art, Sustainability, and Innovation

In the realm of wearable lighting, the Night Seer isn’t just a headlamp; it’s a fusion of functionality and fashion. Taking cues from unconventional sources, this innovative piece stands out with its unique design.

Swain McCaughrin’s MISASSEMBLED Collection: A Geometric Affair

The Night Seer finds its aesthetic roots in the geometric headpieces of Swain McCaughrin’s MISASSEMBLED collection [1]. MISASSEMBLED is a wearable art collection that finds expression in the infinite variety of geometric forms expressing a graceful elegance through sharp angles and precise lines. We use conical-shaped mirrors, each housing LEDs, drawing inspiration from McCaughrin’s inventive geometric headpieces. These mirrors not only serve an aesthetic purpose but also play a crucial role in maximizing light intensity. By concentrating and reflecting light, the Night Seer outshines traditional headlamps. The interplay of light and form allowed us to elevate the design from mere functionality to a visual spectacle and for art to be influenced by function.

Angella Mackey’s “Becoming Solar”: Connecting with Nonhuman Energy

Angella Mackey’s concept of “becoming solar” serves as a philosophical benchmark for us, allowing for a deeper connection to sustainability and solar energy [2]. Mackey explores the idea of humans becoming interconnected with solar nonhumans, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between technology and nature. The Night Seer embodies this concept by incorporating a solar panel on its back, a nod to Mackey’s vision of a harmonious coexistence with solar energy.

The solar panel not only adds an eco-friendly dimension but also reflects Mackey’s vision of a future where technology is seamlessly integrated into our lives in a sustainable and interconnected manner. As the sun sets, the Night Seer’s LEDs automatically activate, symbolizing a reliance on renewable energy and a commitment to reducing environmental impact.

Odelfi’s 230° Lightning Angle Headlamp: Innovations in Illumination

Inspired by the Odelfi headlamp’s flexible design and its impressive 230° lightning angle [3], we wanted to take the concept of hands-free illumination to the next level. Odelfi’s commitment to providing a versatile and wide-angle lighting solution aligned with our aim to offer a brilliant glow with fewer LEDs, making it a standout in the realm of hands-free lighting solutions. The LEDs are hence spaced out for the light to spread in all directions. 

The flexibility of Odelfi’s design informs the Night Seer’s commitment to adaptability, ensuring that the illumination provided is not only intense but also versatile. Incorporating elements of Odelfi’s design philosophy, we hoped to enhance user experience, offering a headlamp that caters to various activities and environments.


The Night Seer weaves together these inspirations, creating a tapestry of innovation and style. It transforms a simple piece of gear into a wearable work of art that lights up the night and points towards a more sustainable future. Drawing from the geometric allure of Swain McCaughrin’s MISASSEMBLED collection, the ecological vision of Angella Mackey, and the versatile illumination of Odelfi, the Night Seer stands as a testament to the power of interdisciplinary inspiration. It transcends the conventional boundaries of its utilitarian purpose, transforming into a wearable work of art that not only illuminates the night but also illuminates the path toward a more sustainable and interconnected future.


1. Swain McCaughrin’s MISASSEMBLED Collection. (

2. Mackey, A. “Becoming Solar: A Process of Becoming Interconnected with Solar Nonhumans.” (

3. Odelfi. About Us. (



