Solar cooling hat

Ethan(Yixin) Zhang

Advanced Wearables 2023

Project description

This Solar-Powered Fan Hat provides a sustainable cooling solution while embodying a conscientious design philosophy. This hat features a small yet powerful fan that operates solely on solar energy.

My design philosophy is rooted in environmental responsibility and energy efficiency. In the scorching heat of summer, by harnessing the sun’s energy through a discreetly integrated photovoltaic (PV) panel, this hat reduces the reliance on conventional power sources, contributing to energy conservation.

As sunlight strikes the solar cells, electrons are excited, creating a flow of electrical current; the solar panel captures sunlight and converts it into electrical energy. This harvested energy is directly utilized to drive the fan motor, providing a sustainable and eco-friendly cooling solution. The fan delivers a gentle breeze that keeps you cool in various outdoor settings.

Whether enjoying a sunny day at the beach, hiking in the great outdoors, or attending an outdoor event, the Solar-Powered Fan Hat offers a unique blend of style and practicality. Embrace the power of renewable energy while staying cool with this environmentally conscious accessory, creating a positive impact on both personal comfort and the planet.

Parts list

  • Solar Cells x 12
  • DC 3V Motor x 1
  • DC Push Button Switch x 1
  • Flexible Silicone Rubber Electric Wire

Materials list

  • White Sun Visor Hats
  • Faux Linen Type Fabric Cloth
  • 2mm Neoprene Fabric Cloth
  • Hand Sewing Thread
  • PETG Filament – 3D printing

Circuit diagram

Final photos

Demo video

Project Context

In the face of increasing environmental concerns, developing and utilizing eco-friendly technologies have become pivotal. The article “Role of renewable energy sources in environmental protection: A review” mentioned: “As far as renewable energy sources is concerned solar thermal energy is the most abundant one and is available in both direct as well as indirect forms.” The importance of solar energy in environmental conservation cannot be overstated.

Research on sustainable renewable energy has continued in recent years. These new energy sources include biomass, hydropower, geothermal, solar, wind, and marine energies. There are some differences between clean energy and renewable resources. For example, nuclear energy is clean energy but non-renewable. Unlike traditional energy, solar energy is a clean and renewable alternative. The application of renewable and clean energy, such as solar energy, is crucial to the global transition to a greener and more sustainable energy landscape.

As mentioned in the article “Environmental Problems That Batteries Cause”, consumers throw away billions of batteries annually, all containing toxic or corrosive materials. Some batteries contain toxic metals such as cadmium, mercury, lead, and lithium, which, if not disposed of properly, can become hazardous waste and pose a threat to health and the environment. The conventional batteries used in various electronic devices, including personal fans, contribute significantly to environmental degradation. The production, use, and disposal of batteries pose various ecological challenges. Batteries have been associated with pollution, resource depletion, and hazardous waste from resource extraction to manufacturing processes. And the disposal of batteries, often in landfills, further exacerbates these issues. The toxic substances released during battery decomposition can contaminate soil and water, posing risks to ecosystems and human health.

Many people use mini fans outdoors in the hot summer powered by disposable batteries. The fan is portable and easy to use. Although it does not lower the air temperature, it improves local airflow conditions, promoting sweat’s evaporation and the convection heat transfer effect, making the human body feel cooler. Therefore, if solar energy can be reasonably utilized to replace disposable batteries in summer, it will significantly contribute to environmental protection. Fortunately, using solar energy in the summer has its inherent advantages. In summer, the sunshine duration is longer, the sun’s altitude angle is higher, and the direct solar radiation is more concentrated, thereby improving the solar system’s efficiency. In addition, the surface temperature in summer is relatively high, which helps to reduce the resistance of photovoltaic panels and improve photovoltaic efficiency. To sum up, summer is a good season to use solar energy.

Various solar-powered items have permeated our daily lives, leaving a positive impact on both individuals and the environment. Solar-powered chargers, for instance, allow people to recharge their devices on the go without relying on conventional electricity sources. Solar water heaters contribute to energy efficiency in homes, reducing the carbon footprint associated with traditional water heating methods. The integration of solar technology into everyday products represents a tangible and impactful way to incorporate sustainable practices into our lifestyles. The adoption of solar-powered products contributes to raising awareness about clean energy alternatives, encouraging more individuals to make eco-conscious choices in their daily lives.


Michael Merry, Environmental Problems That Batteries Cause, 2018.

Anna Boyden, Vi Kie Soo, Matthew Doolan, The Environmental Impacts of Recycling Portable Lithium-Ion Batteries, Procedia CIRP, Volume 48, 2016, Pages 188-193.

N.L. Panwar, S.C. Kaushik, Surendra Kothari, Role of renewable energy sources in environmental protection: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
Volume 15, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 1513-1524.

Process photos
explanation of design choices

When I started this project, I aimed to make something genuinely practical. After ruling out rechargeable items, I considered solar-powered lighting and fans. Solar power relies on sunlight, whereas lighting requires darkness; reconciling this contradiction poses a challenge. Ultimately, I chose to make a solar-powered fan. Though I initially explored wearable designs, such as hanging around the neck or wearing on the chest, support issues led me to the final decision to make a fan hat.

Next steps

It worked but was completely unstable, here are two videos of the failures. I can try to make the power supply more stable in the future, such as adding a battery or capacitor.



