Solar Symbiotic Wearable Ring

“The solar symbiotic” ring is a technological wearable that promotes, aesthetics, sustainability and symbioses.
while emitting light and bringing the magic of shininess to our bodies this wearable is powered by solar energy and decorated by natural mosses to make a symbiotic ecosystem considering the health and beauty of all components of the work(human/moss/circuit).
the ring basks in sunlight, charging its battery and benefiting the moss with warmth and light. Mosses are one of the most oxygen producers on our planet. This process not only powers the ring’s illuminative capabilities for nighttime use but also allows the moss to generate oxygen, enhancing the wearer’s immediate environment.

the wearables circuit is powered by a solar panel that is connected to a battery pack, using two capacitors to save solar energy during the day time and that emits in darkness. the circuit also has a dark detection system using a light sensor. so when the solar wearable is in the light the voltage reduces to near 0 volts opening the transistor and shutting down the LED driver. As dusk falls, the ring transforms. It becomes a glowing, device that brings shine, vibe and beauty to the body of the wearer. this solar circuit is equipped with two buttons one for on/off and another is a switch toggling between eight different modes of LED light emission.

powering this wearable with solar energy which is one of the cleanest sources of energy enhances the wearable sustainability and availability.

The interaction between saving sun energy -that is the shiniest one in our world and bringing the notions of life, warmth and beauty to our mind- and saving that for using it in darkness brings a poetical aspect to this wearable. also using mosses as a companion for the wearer in this wearable for producing more oxygen around the wearer’s face as well as naturally powered by solar energy, this technological wearable tries to strengthen the human/nature bond.

List of Electric Components:
  1. Solar Cell 5V: Converts sunlight to electrical energy to charge the battery.
  2. Diode (e.g., 1N5817): Prevents the battery from discharging back into the solar cell.
  3. Rechargeable Battery (1.2V): Stores electrical energy for use when the solar cell isn’t generating power.
  4. button
  5. IC 555: timer switch to control different modes and led chase
  6. LDR: light sensor
  7. BC547 NPN Transistor: Acts as a switch to control power to the LEDs.
  8. Base Resistors for Transistor (e.g., 10Ω and 100Ω): Limits current to the transistor’s base.
  9. Current-Limiting Resistors for LEDs: Limits current to prevent damage to the LEDs.
  10. LED String: The lighting element of the circuit.
  11. Mode Selection Resistors and/or Capacitors: Create different current paths for each mode.
Function Descriptions:
  • Solar Cell: Charges the battery during daylight.
  • Diode: Blocks reverse current from the battery at night.
  • Battery: Provides power to the LEDs when the solar cell is inactive.
  • NPN Transistor : Controls the flow and delay and phase of current through the LEDs based on the mode selected.
  • Base Resistors: Determine the sensitivity and switching thresholds of the transistor.
  • Pull-Down Resistor: Keeps the transistor off when no base current is applied.
  • LDR: disconnect the circuit in daylight and let the battery charge
  • Current-Limiting Resistors: Protect LEDs from excessive current.
  • LED String: Emits light in various modes as determined by the switch position.
  • Mode Selection Components IC 555: These components are selected to provide the necessary electrical characteristics to define each of the 8 lighting modes and delays and timing.


The operation of the circuit depends on the solar cell generating sufficient voltage to overcome the forward voltage of the diode and the base-emitter threshold voltage of the transistor. During daylight, when the solar cell is active, it may generate enough voltage to turn on the transistor and illuminate the LED, indicating charging, the ldr sensor prevents the led to turn on. At night or when the solar cell is not active, the battery does not discharge through the circuit because the diode blocks the path. And as ldr is not getting any light then the circuit is completely connected and lights turns on,
And by pressing the button LED chase will be switched to different modes through the IC555 and it’s output to BC547

other componEnt of the design:
  • Mosses: one of the aesthetic objects of the work in addition to producing oxygen when symbiotically living beside solar cells.
  • Reflective shiny textile: used in the collar part of the wearable for reflecting light around the solar cell, to amplify the light during daytime enhancing the charging process.
  • Lace textile: defusing and protecting fairy LEDs.
  • Felt fabric: for nesting and moisturizing mosses, defusing LEDs light.

Link to the woking wearable video:

Tutorial and Inspiration links:




