
Abha & Thomas


Weather-Wiz is not just a fashion accessory wearable—it’s also your weather informant! A cute chameleon-shaped accessory that does more than just shimmer its beauty. It’s got some valuable information in it! This stylish charm has a temperature sensor, like a built-in thermometer, that’s always keeping tabs on the weather around you. How does it let you know? Well, through colors! The chameleon charm changes color based on the temperature it senses.

Imagine this: when it’s toasty outside, the chameleon’s hues morph into shades of fiery red, indicating the heat. On the flip side, if there’s a chill in the air, the colors shift towards cool blues. But here’s the cool part—this charming little buddy doesn’t just switch abruptly. Oh no, it’s all about smooth transitions! As the temperature changes, the colors gracefully blend from one to another. So, from icy blues to vibrant violets and finally warming up to fiery reds or the reverse of it, it’s like a visual weather forecast right on your accessory for all age groups.

This weather-wiz gets its brains from Adafruiy Circuit Playground and it power juice from an external 850mAH battery. The circuit board has an in-built temperature sensor and a few neo pixels.

So, if you’re wondering about the weather without checking your phone or stepping outside, just take a glance at your Weather-Wiz and let the colors tell you the story of the climate around you.


The Weather-Wiz Chameleon blends technology and fashion seamlessly just like how it effortlessly transitions from a fashion statement to a tech-savvy buddy. It represents an innovative intersection in the realm of wearable tech accessories. Integrating temperature sensors, Neopixels, and a gazillion pretty beads, this charm is not just an accessory but a dynamic and smart piece that responds to environmental cues, changing colors based on the temperature of its surroundings.

The project aligns with the growing trend of ‘smart’ wearables that transcend traditional fashion boundaries by incorporating technological elements. It embodies the concept of ‘smart textiles,’ which merge electronics with fabric to create interactive and responsive clothing or accessories. In the context of wearable technology, the Chameleon patch demonstrates the potential for integrating sensors and microcontrollers seamlessly into garments or wearable items, highlighting the possibilities for personalized, adaptable fashion.

Inspired by the article “New ‘smart’ skin changes color using a trick learned from chameleons” by Carrie Arnold, the article delves into the development of a ‘smart’ skin inspired by chameleons’ color-changing abilities.

Researchers discovered in a 2015 Nature Communications paper that chameleon skin cells have guanine crystals interspersed with ‘regular’ skin cells. To change colors, lizards can compress or flex their crystal-containing cells, causing different wavelengths of light to be reflected. Similarly, the development of a polymer-based ‘smart’ skin uses embedded photonic crystals, triggering color shifts in response to sunlight exposure. This biomimetic approach, mimicking the chameleon’s adaptation to environmental stimuli, guided the fundamental principle behind Weather-Wiz’s color-changing mechanism. The word “crystals” cemented our idea to use beads as a medium to spread light and at the same time use its simmering beauty to our advantage.

Weather-Wiz leverages biomimicry by replicating nature’s efficient solutions to communicate through color transitions. Much like the ‘smart’ skin’s ability to shift colors in response to light, Weather-Wiz employs a similar concept to alter its hue based on surrounding temperature changes picked up by a temperature sensor to offer users a visual indicator or temperature-enhancing contextual awareness.

Another inspiration was the AI pin by It is a wearable in two parts: a square device and a battery pack that magnetically attaches to your clothes or other surfaces. The AI pin was created to help users stay connected and informed. It projects information onto the user’s skin, allowing them to access the information they need quickly and easily. It also has features such as a fitness tracker, calendar, and messaging capabilities.

Unlike the multifunctional approach of the AI Pin, Weather-Wiz’s core purpose was to communicate temperature through color changes was paramount. The AI Pin’s challenge with wearability, particularly its bulkiness and limited adaptability across different outfits, steered Weather-Wiz’s design towards lightweight, versatile wear that complements various attires throughout the year. Weather-Wiz, drawing from this critique, focused on simplicity and functionality.

The other crucial inspiration was The Giant Thermometer Scarf. It is a unique and innovative wearable accessory that combines fashion with technology, transforming a traditional garment into an interactive and visually captivating piece. At its core, this project involves the integration of electronic components, such as a DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor module, an Adafruit Flora Arduino board, and Neopixel strips and rings, into a scarf.

Unlike conventional scarves, this creation responds dynamically to environmental changes by visually displaying temperature readings. The incorporation of Neopixel strips and rings allows the scarf to illuminate and change colors based on the temperature detected by the sensor. This visual representation of temperature mimics the appearance of a classic thermometer, adding a playful and artistic dimension to the accessory.

The use of soft and light-colored fabric for the scarf, coupled with the discreet integration of electronic components, showcases the seamless blend of technology with traditional textile design. The result is a functional yet aesthetically pleasing accessory that stands out as a unique intersection of fashion and electronics.

Beyond its visual appeal, the Giant Thermometer Scarf hints at potential advancements and enhancements. Suggestions such as adding data logging, GPS capabilities, haptic feedback for safety alerts, and customization of light animations showcase the versatility and potential for further development in wearable technology.

The culmination of inspirations from the biomimetic ‘smart’ skin, the innovative AI Pin, and the charmingly interactive Giant Thermometer Scarf underscored Weather-Wiz’s evolution as a groundbreaking fusion of technology and fashion. Each source ignited a spark of innovation, contributing distinctive elements to Weather-Wiz’s development while reinforcing its commitment to simplicity, functionality, and adaptability. It advocates personal expression, environmental awareness, and technological innovation, all interwoven into a single, charming charm that elevates clothing with both style and functionality.


Arnold, Carrie. “New “Smart” Skin Changes Color Using a Trick Learned from Chameleons.” Animals, 11 Sept. 2019,

caitlinsdad. “Neopixel Giant Thermometer Scarf.” Instructables, Accessed 12 Dec. 2023.

Song, Victoria. “Humane’s AI Pin Seems to Be Forgetting What Makes a Good Wearable.” The Verge, 19 Nov. 2023, Accessed 12 Dec. 2023.


  • Adafruit Circuit Playground Classic​ – borrowed from Kate
  • Thread (To sew the beads)​ – Arton Beads
  • Industrial Felt (For the base of the chameleon)​ -Arton Beads
  • Beads​ – Arton Beads
  • Cotton(diffusor) – Personal Makeup kit
  • 850mAH battery​ – borrowed from Kate
  • 2 pairs snap button –


Since we wanted the circuitry to be small and portable we used as minimal wires and connections as possible.

  • Adafruit Circuit Playgound Classic
  • 850mAH battery​


Step by step color transition

Gradual smooth color transition


Contextual Awareness:
Weather-Wiz adapts its colors based on temperature, offering a contextual insight into the surrounding climate without a single word spoken. It’s like wearing a visual weather report on your clothes.

Designed as a chic chameleon-shaped accessory, Weather-Wiz merges style and utility seamlessly, ensuring you stay trendy while being informed about the weather.

This wearable tech goes where you go, effortlessly clipping onto your attire, ensuring you’re always equipped with weather updates, whether you’re on a stroll downtown or out for a hike.


We started off by making a rough sketch of the chameleon on a piece of paper and traced that onto an industrial felt. After cutting it in the desired shape we started sowing around the eyes with beads and filled the rest of the body with it. The front patch is now done creating the face of the wearable. We then cut another plain patch, placed it behind it making a pocket-like shape cleverly designed to accommodate cotton(diffuser), a circuit board, and a battery inside it.



The code is adjusted such a way that it remains blue in room temrature and transitions to red as it gets hotter with the help of a blow dryer as shown above.



Initially, we intended to fill the chameleon’s body with individual neopixels, but due to a few wiring issues and size constraints led us to pivot that plan. Opting for the compact and lightweight adafruit circuit playground with its integrated neopixel and temperature sensor was a game-changer. Accommodating just the battery, the final design retained a sleek profile, avoiding any bulky appearance. The cotton layer effectively diffused the emitted light, ensuring an even spread across the accessory.

Regarding programming, we initially mapped temperature ranges to specific colors, achieving a step by step transition from blue to red and vice versa,. Striving for a seamless shift, we studied the smooth color transitions that we performed without any temperature input. With a few trial and error method we managed to find a logic to add temprature value and mapping to that code. But to our surprise it would repeat the loop from blue to red abruptly upon reaching red. When we exhibited the Weather-Wiz fro Open Show, the glitch suprisinlg worked to our advantage for a while when individuals consistently used blow dryers, allowing new passersby to experience the changing colors without the accessory getting stuck on a single hue.


