Category: 2. Solar Wearables

  • Headgear Solar Wearable

    Headgear Solar Wearable

    Headgear Solar wearables Introduction The name of the project itself makes the user imagine of the product that there are some Head wearables which can be used to charge our Luminar Wearables. In our future the gadget with gesture are more preferable for interpreting the person’s activity. That can be true but the electronic gadgets…

  • Solar Symbiotic Wearable Ring

    Solar Symbiotic Wearable Ring

    “The solar symbiotic” ring is a technological wearable that promotes, aesthetics, sustainability and symbioses.while emitting light and bringing the magic of shininess to our bodies this wearable is powered by solar energy and decorated by natural mosses to make a symbiotic ecosystem considering the health and beauty of all components of the work(human/moss/circuit).the ring basks…

  • Light Headed

    Light Headed

    William Zhang, Ronit Sharma, Ali Raza Description The base concept of this wearable is a piece of headgear that uses solar charge throughout the day to illuminate aesthetically during dark hours of the day. The wearable itself is a cap that has a circuit pattern upon it with a cyberpunk aesthetic intertwined with a Neopixel…

  • Firefly Hat

    Firefly Hat

    By Irina Noor and Jessica Zhang Description The goal of this project was to replicate the look of fireflies in the night sky as we wanted to create something that mimicked nature. Our decision to focus on fireflies stemmed from our shared interest in bioluminescence and the general aesthetics of the bugs. The light generated…

  • Spin-Cap ~ Anti-insect Sun Hat

    Spin-Cap ~ Anti-insect Sun Hat

  • Project Title: Moon Insect

    Project Title: Moon Insect

    General Concept: By having the wearer face or turn their back to a light source to make a light come on, or the insect wings flap to make a sound, I wanted to make the wearer aware of the pervasiveness of solar energy, and to encourage the wearer to explore further to learn about similar…

  • The Sun Glasses

    The Sun Glasses

    ARANYA KHURANA + NIKHIL THOMAS Project Description General Concept The Sun Glasses are designed to light up in response to direct sunlight. Hook them up to the paired solar panel accessory, and they light up when you have the sun on your back! The connecting electrical wires are inspired by and meant to emulate vintage…

  • Project —Masquerade Mask

    Project —Masquerade Mask

    Group members: Zhihan Zhang, Zirui (Lavender) Peng “Imagine you’re at a night masquerade and your prom mask glows and brightens as the light changes.” Concept & Description This work is a wearable, solar-based decorative mask. The mask interacts with the lighting changes in the environment while outputting visuals. When the user wears the mask, the mask will…

  • Shoulder Mounted Light Sensor

    Shoulder Mounted Light Sensor

        This project incorporates 6 solar panels (5v, 30mA) wired in parallel (5v, 180mA), hooked up to charge a single 18650 Lithium-Ion battery (3.7v, 3500maH), which is then used to power an Arduino Uno. Additionally, there are 4 servo motors (3x 180°, 1x 360°) that are used to move the solar arms, and rotate…

  • LED Headband

    LED Headband

    Project Title: “Solar Enchanted Horns” Project Description General Concept: The “Solar Enchanted Horns” project merges the realms of fantasy and technology, creating a wearable piece that embodies both elegance and innovation. Inspired by mythical creatures and the growing trend of sustainable fashion, this headband features two horn-like structures, illuminated by LEDs and powered by solar…